what can i do about saveing land for wild life. not just endangered but all animals we should try to live inharmining with them and leave a purtion of there land that we wont touch. thiis might be

Michael ValeGwen AllyEnglish1 April 2008Let My People Go Surfing: The equipment that people use to rock climb can save them or kill them. Yvon Chouinard knew that he couldn’t design anything less then the best. Yvon Chouinard started really focusing on his blacksmithing in his little shack on a beach in Mexico designing pitons for him and his homeboys to climb the walls in Yosemite; But Yvon Chouniard company grew and established a successful company that does as little harm to our earth as it can and I argue that other business can take a page from Yvon Chouniards life and start respecting what they do to our earth and try to take steps on cleaning up their acts. Yvon Chouinard knowing his friends and him self would be using the equipment he took time to make strong and efficient. He started a little business and worked with friends and his friends and their family just so they could save up enough to go on camping and hiking tripe’s shiiit sounds like good times. Yvon Chouinard never wanted to be a businesses man but just fell into it: if i recall right his homeboy got married and moved to Mexico and left the business to Yvon Chouinard who would change they way I and probably other would look at big business we are all polluters and we are doing damage to this earth and should try to change that when possible and Yvon Chouinard did that with his bussiness  and using tough and durable material but at the same time trying to do as little harm to mother nature and he gives back to the environment with the money he makes from his business Patagonia. Recycle pants and underwear? Sound kind of crazy? Not to Yvon Chouinard he knows how important it is that we not inflict anymore damage then is necessary and to give back when you can. Yvon Chouinard thought that most of our worlds problems could be rooted back to the envirment and that’s why he gave money to environmental causes instead of social problems because the seem to treat the problem and try to cure it instead of trying to find the source of the problem for cancer as example so many of these government funded business are not even testing house hold object and chemicals to see they are the cause of cancer but rather try to treat it after someone gets it. “Our mission statement reflects this evolution by saying we will “cause no unnecessary harm,” and it ends with our resolution to “use business to inspire and implement solutions to l environmental crisis.” Says  Yvon Chouinard in his book Let My People Go Surfing pg# 200. I respect Yvon Chouinard for not just being greedy and think about how he can make the best money but rather started with doing what he loved and had a passion for and the business just spouted up around him, but Yvon Chouinard never fell from the right thing to do, he would make the best at what ever he could weather it was hiking equipment or clothing he wanted them to last and be durable. Yvon Chouinard  had apassion for what he was doing and never accepted anything but the best and tried to not harm the earth in the process.                              I live my life by a guide line of rules as does everyone our rules or guide line and philosophy on the way we live our life might change from person to person but they are important to us just as the company Patagonia philosophy is important to their way of working and living there five elements of philosophy can be summarized as this 1. Lead an examined life 2. Clean up our own act 3. Do our penance 4.support civil democracy. 5. Influence other companies. This is a great guide line to have a company to live by

i was interesting and sad at the end, logically i think it was the right choice perhaps because it looked like he really wanted to escape but damn why he had to be such a loner. If that were me I would want someone to share all that with and i also feel like bad for his sister i mean they seemed close and he couldn’t even send her a letter or call, its not like he didn’t have time to think about that kind of stuff he had allot of time to kill, maybe he should have stayed with that white trash looking bunch, it looked like that younger girl really liked him he could have traveled with her, but who am i to say how someone should live there life, i have respect for the man and also sympathy i bet if he gotto turn back teh hands of time he would do alot of things different

Spring break

March 24, 2008

well..   for this spring break i saw and cought up with my homeboy from back in teh day, last i saw him he was still living with his grand parents i saw him over spring break and sadly his grandpa died and his grandma moved to east cost so he is now living with some room mates and life is look liek its treating him well, i saw homeboy jimmy was there to hes a down ass mother fucker we took a class together my fresh men year at college that kid was so down, fuuuuuck we woul do all type of stupid shit and get in trobble, back to my spring break tho, Hey i returned a busted xbox and got a new one so that was down and you would believe what jasons room mates were watching, they were watching into the wild and now i know how its ends =( even tho i didnt see teh end they told me anyways

Hitlers dream

March 24, 2008

If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough and often enough, the people will believe it. The secret to get someone to believe a lie is constant repetition. Just tell it over, and over, and over again.” – Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler was a leader. A man with a Horrific Ideology. His words of persuasion put into events that shook the very grounds of Europe. The thought that there was a race of man that was more intelligent, stronger, and superior in every way. Causing the deaths of thousands of Jews. The Holocaust killed half of the Jewish population in Europe during the time of WWII. The German nation was in national debt causing a economic disaster. Adolph Hitler was the voice in the darkness, the last strength of a nation in despair. when a man is at his low point a person with enough enthusiasm and strength to carry the poor man out of his slum, then that person will be praised and followed.

top 3 books

March 10, 2008

the book i would like to read would be um at the top it would be monkey rench gang second would be let my people go surfing and into teh wild wait that might be my first acutally might be my first choice. hmmmm i am tern on which book to read


March 3, 2008

900474885    Allie


Words are a powerful thing make no mistake of it, words are a double bladed sword which can be used to build up someone and protect them or on the other side words can be used to tear down someone and destroy them. In the Article (Kind of cussin’) by Marlon Manuel he is warning us that kids are becoming more disrespectful and practicing dangers habits such as cussin’ lightly which he is afraid that it might lead to bigger things such as drugs sex. I am not that afraid of the word utters by school children I don’t think this is enuff to corrupt them I am more worried about who is raising these children. Words are changing this world everyday weather its words uttered from the president to start a war or the words of a envirmentallist to save a wild life refuge.  

                        Now to switch the subject a bit I would like to talk about cussing first off lets start off with the word “fuck” the grand dad of all cuss words, I have uttered this word countless times through out my life and it hold no significance meaning any more I am stuck with this bad habit of cussing and haven’t been able to change it; since its just a habit and I talk with my homies like that, but I don’t know why I do it I don’t get that tingle and the sensation of saying “fuck” no more like I did when I was a kid. Instead I just get that ugly word throughn in my everyday vocabulary for everyone to hear.

                        “ I hate this crap” (Kind of cussin’ by Marlon Manuel at the bottom of second paragraph). I never knew crap was a bad word, but but after I finished reading this article I released some people think it is, I personally do not find this word offensive at the least I don’t find it offensive when my five year old brother utters the word “shit” after dieing in a video game. But there is a limit I would take offenses if my brother told me I played like shit on a video game like a sword he just struck me with his words and when cussin’ is use like this weather my little brother said I am “shit” or “crap” at a video game I would take offences. So I guess its all in who you use your words.

          “When a child in the 1960s saying “crap” would have gotten his mouth washed out”  (Marlon Manuel; kind of cussin’) Yes time has a way of changing things like for example the word gay aint what it used to be in the 60s. what the older generation thought to be offensive we might not, that is to be excepted so it would be a good idea to be kind and choose your words wisely when around the elderly.

I think the world is ready for change to clean up our acts but sadly I don not know if this is possible, but when you really look at it cuss words are NOT necessary we can get by with out em, and if you have worked them into your everyday vocabulary like me then we have some work to do to try to clean up the way we talk because when it comes down to it cuss is just a ugly way to talk. But do not get me wrong I am NO fan of light cussin’ I think if you are going to light cuss tehn fuck it you might as will cu

i am intrigued by Thoreau’s passion for literature. He came off to me to be slightly arrogent. i was disappointed in how he talked down the bible and those who would find faith in its texts. I believe even if you are not a religious you can find an abundance of advice to live ones life. Just like the Refuge by Terry Tempest Williams, Thoreau found his refuge in solitude with his books.

Hetch Hetchy

March 2, 2008

 very power words spoken and written by John Muir i didn’t find the beginning to be boring at all, i felt its was almost necessary to put in all the descriptions of the place to get the feel of what he was trying to save, I feel for him on wanting to preserver the landscape and the animals there, but then again i don’t believe people should go with out power. But in the back of my mind i am almost certan that this is not Right, you shouldn’t dam up s place like hetch hetchy, some things in this world are meant to be shared with other people and no to mention to respect the wild life and not destroying there homes. I hope Hetch Hetchy aint destored and it is still up i would like to see it one of these days

Al Gore

March 2, 2008